Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blog experience summary

Well, I must say that this has been a very interesting semester. One thing that I have never done before this class was read blogs. I definitely never thought that I would ever reply to a blog. The experience has been fun and enlightening. I have had the opportunity to express my feelings concerning certain difficult situations. This blog has turned out to be therapeutic for me as well. I have been able to discuss several things that have been a problem in my life. Being able to hear a different perspective from others that have been through the same problems that I have experienced made me feel that I was not alone.

I was able to inspire others and give them a different way to look at things. Taking a positive approach to difficult situations is often hard. There are so many different ways to look at things. People go though a lot in their lives. Some of the more difficult issues can either make you or break you, depending how you look at the situation.

Going forward blogging will become a part of my life. First of all it is a learning experience. Secondly, your response or experience could help someone else. Lastly, it is fun! There is a vast amount of topics that can be explored and discussed. I will make a conscious effort to blog and stay part of the community that I have joined.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Now that my body won't stop hurting, what now?

My neck, my back, my legs, and my feet have been hurting all week. I don't know what is wrong with me this week. Maybe I am just getting old. I was off the entire week of Thanksgiving. I was able to get some rest, and lounge around. I then started a new job. I might have gotten lazy and my body might have to get used to being up and around again. I tell you what, whatever it is, I can't wait until I feel better.

I have been going back and forth on the metro for a few days. I mean several trips back and forth to get the needed paperwork for my job. It is almost complete now, and I just hope that tomorrow will be just a normal day where I go to work, then go home. I can't wait until the weekend. A friend of mine who is an extremely great cook, is having a seafood fest at his house. No matter how bad I feel, believe me, I will be there! I have been wearing heels to work everyday, and walking from the metro to the job as well as to my car. It is quite a little walk. I know that is part of the reason that my feet hurt. I used to wear tennis shoes to walk from the metro, but, since it is a smaller distance than I used to, I decided to just keep my heels on all day. Maybe that was not such a good idea. I need to either get better shoes or look tacky in tennis shoes and a suit.

My back and neck always hurt. I took physical therapy and thought that it was supposed to help. What a waste of money. I still hurt. I did buy the Wii Trainer, and worked out faithfully for about a week. I felt great. Then Thanksgiving came, and I have not worked out since then. It seems since I am back at work I am so tired, and so busy. Once I get home there is always something to do. I need a vacation. I can't do everything. I have not started my Christmas shopping yet. I have not put up my Christmas tree yet. Normally it goes up the day after Thanksgiving every year.

Why can't I get back in the swing of things? I am such a slacker right now. Am I resting my body or am I being a lazy whining bum? I need to get a grip and get my swagger back. There is a lot that I need to do. I need to paint my house. I bought my home over a year ago, and am still trying to figure out what colors that I want to paint it. I had it all figured out finally, but after asking some of my friends opinions, which was a huge mistake, I am more confused. I had bought paint samples of the colors that I wanted. After a friend left my hose and told me that all of my colors were too dark, I did not have enough light, my color coordinations did not flow, and everything else, my neck and back started hurting again, and never stopped. I am getting stressed over painting my new home. This should be fun. I should have never asked any opinions. I wanted it done by Christmas when my family comes to town. If I don't figure out what the heck I am going to do, my house will look a mess for Christmas.

Yes, I definitely need to get a grip and get to moving. I am making a decision to get motivated, stop stressing, and get back on track with my exercise routine. This will help my body to relieve stress and stop hurting so much.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Analysis Paper

My analysis paper will be about overcoming difficult situations. I have found a few other blogs that deal with difficult situations that have happened in peoples lives. One that stood out to me was Ichoosechange.

This blog was very informative and gave a lot of feedback from others in similar situations. It gives other websites that have other related topics. This blog talks a lot about taking responsibility for your situation and not blaming others. I do feel that a lot of situations in my life have been caused by my own actions, or lack of taking any action at all.

Several of the topics that I have written about were in some way related to my own personal life. Through blogging and researching I have decided to learn how to get past these difficult situations, stay positive, and move on with my life.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Now that I ate too much for Thanksgiving, what now?

So you promised yourself that you would not overeat this Thanksgiving. The turkey with stuffing, collard greens, ham, fresh rolls, baked macaroni and cheese, glazed carrots, sweet potato pie, and chocolate cake totally ruined your plans. You suddenly feel like you have gained 20 pounds in one day. This is not good.

You are now thinking that you are a loser and can't stay focused on any of your goals, so why bother. Don't give up. Many people make goals then get a little off track. Just stay focused and pick up right where you left off.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Try to cut back on the fatty and high calorie foods. Salads, vegetables, and fruit are always good choices. Try eating some of the best foods to help you lose weight.

Exercise a little more than you normally exercise. If you do not exercise at all, start now. Daily walking is great if you do not feel up to exercising. It is also helpful to walk up stairs instead of taking the elevator. In addition, try to park farther away from your job or school so that you can walk to and from your car to get additional exercise.

Always remember that you can get back on track. Don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes you have to laugh at yourself, which does burn calories. I have added a link with the Top 101 Signs You Ate Too Much Turkey Last Night. I found this list to be hilarious, and I think you will too. So sit back and laugh for a while and burn calories, then go out there and get back on track!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Now that the analysis paper is almost due, what now?

I have searched the web much more than normal during my time in this class. What I have discovered is that I like it! I like being able to give my point of view as well as search for other views on the same topic.

In my analysis paper I will be using a few sources to help me continue my journey. Since my blog has been mainly regarding how to deal with certain difficult problems that may arise such as the loss of a job, a loved one coming back from war, divorce, etc., I have found myself staying on the side of positivity. I try to do this in my everyday life, and impart this to those whom I come in contact with. However, I have to also remember to stay realistic on the way.

A few of the sources that I will be using are a Life Optimizer website, a Life coach blog, and Suite 101. All of these help with having a balanced life and teach how to deal with difficulty and have a happy and productive life.

Now that I am a homeowner, what now?

Everyone wants to have a beautiful home of their own. It is such a wonderful experience. The market is great, and the homeowner benefits are amazing. Once you have bought your new home there are some things that you need to remember to do.

Make sure that you follow up on your utility transfer. This process should already have started prior to closing. Also make sure that you complete a change of address card at your local post office, and get a new license at the Department of Motor Vehicle. Another thing to make sure to get done is to call a locksmith to change all locks.

Some other things to consider once you are in your new home are maintenance tools. You will need to keep your own grass cut as well as your yard looking tidy, so you will need a lawn mower and some garden tools. In the DC/VA/ MD area, there is also a chance of snow,so a shovel would be a good idea. One thing that a lot of people forget is that an outside garbage can is not provided.

Another important thing that you will need to get is homeowners insurance. You will want to protect your investment. Typically, homeowners policies cover you for damages that are caused by things like theft, fire, vandalism or wind. If you also want coverage for other disasters, such as floods or earthquakes, you will have to purchase extended coverage. Unfortunately, homeowners insurance does not cover normal wear and tear. This is considered general maintenance, which means that you will need to save a little extra in your budget to take care of this type of maintenance.

Last, but not least, sit back and enjoy your new investment. You deserve it!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Now that my marriage is over, what now?

"What just happened? It was meant to be forever, or so we thought. We were together for 5 years before we were married. We thought of everything. Everyone always said that we were made for each other. But now, after 11 years of marriage, it is over."
There is no need to point the finger at each other, it just did not work out. You are now in a position of confusion, loneliness, and embarrassment. What do you do now?
Look for things to do that have lots of people around. Working out is great for the body and it is a great place to network to meet new people. Walking in the neighborhood allows you to meet new people in your community.
Adding a hobby to your life can be phenomenal. There are so many hobbies to consider. Pottery, golf, reading, salsa, kickboxing, painting, making jewelry, coaching a pee wee league, volunteering, and so much more.
Go back to school and finish your degree. If you have completed your degree, consider obtaining another. There are also opportunities to teach classes as well. There are mentoring programs such as Boys and Girls Club of America. This program are always looking for new people that are able to make a commitment to helping others. This should give you an overall feeling of well being.
Friends are always a great way to fill the void that you might be feeling in your life. There are new movies that come out each week. Dining out with friends is always fun, too. Museums and Art Galleries are fun and add culture to your life. You can also find a local church to attend, and maybe even join a committee at the church.
Make sure that you surround yourself with positive people. Whatever you decide to do, just remember that life goes on. No time to lay around and let life pass you by.